What Is It Going to Take For You to Help Me? - September 4, 2012

"Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts.  Others come into our lives and make us want to leave footprints on their faces."  :)

This may surprise you...I didn't sleep much last night.  It seems to be a trend with my entries, but it has actually been a trend for much of my adult life.  I just can't turn off my brain to sleep.  Last night's lack of sleep was from coughing, throat pain, and the fact that I simply could not get comfortable.  I called Walgreens first thing in the morning to see if my script was ready...ummm, no it is not ready because they were still waiting to talk to my insurance.  Seriously?!!!  What part of "just fill it and I will pay" did they not understand.  The reality is that my debate has been more about principle than money when it comes to fighting with Walgreens and insurance.  Part of me likes the battle and all of me knows that it is a money fight between the two of them.  I just keep thinking that they are going to eventually see the human side of things.  Well, I have been in pain and the human side of me wants the compound!  Again, you would think that my insurance would want for me to eat and sleep and get well.  I truly believe in big business, but they are pissing me off and I don't have the energy to be angry.

I spent the day working and crawled under the covers at 7.  My throat seems to get worse when I try to lie in bed.  I try to get comfortable and I have been compulsively checking my Walgreens iPhone/iPad app all day to see if my script is ready.  Finally I dragged myself out of bed, got dressed, and headed to Walgreens. In my mind I think that they will see how pathetic I look today and hand over my drugs.  Maybe they just need to see my sad face, darn circles, and bald head.  The lady at the counter took my name and looked to see if the compound was ready.  Apparently they have not started working on it but "maybe it will be ready tomorrow morning".  Maybe?  Do I look like I can take the word "maybe"?  I started crying at the counter then grabbed popsicles, Cepacol, Kanka, throat spray, etc.  Pretty much anything I can think of that may relieve the discomfort.  I pay and get in my car.  I am crying out of frustration and decide to call my insurance company AGAIN.  I didn't listen to the props and picked #2 but knew that I picked the wrong one right away.  A young man named Ryan answered the phone.  I'm sure that a few seconds into the call he wished he would have transferred me.  He got an ear full and I wasn't giving up.  I explained the situation, told him how long it's been going on, and simply choked out the words "I need somebody to help me."  He then said that I needed to "shop around" the prescription.  Wrong answer, Ryan.  I cried and told him "I have cancer.  Why isn't anyone helping me?  What is it going to take for you to help me?"  Ryan was silent.  To be honest I thought he may have hung up on me.  Then he calmly said "I can try to figure something out."  He put me on hold and called Walgreens.  Then came back and told me that the problem was that Walgreens was not holding up their end of the bargain on contracting and did not want to fill the script because they would not get enough money.  I then said "please help me find a location that will fill the script."  He puts me on hold and I was home by this point, eating a popsicle and calming down.  After 49 minutes on the phone Ryan has found me a pharmacy that will not only fill my prescription the will fill it before they close tonight and they are minutes from my home.  Thank you Ryan!  Thank you for helping me tonight.  You are the fourth person that I have spoken with from your company, but you are the only one that took the time to help me and fix the problem.  You could have easily told me that "it wasn't your job" because it wasn't.  You went out of your way to get me the medicine that I needed and you listened to me when I hit rock bottom with my fight against big business.

While I was on hold I was texting Gina and Cindi.  They both offered to leave the other side of town to go get the medicine for me.  I replied that I could pretty much stick my head out my bedroom window and reach the pharmacy.  Plus, it was 9:30 at night.  13 minutes after I got off the phone with Ryan I had a call from CVS.  My compound was ready.  Yes...I have been waiting since last Wednesday for a compound that was able to be mixed and filled within 13 minutes.  So bald me in my jammies went to the drive-thru at CVS and picked up my "liquid gold".  It cost a little over $7 because it was covered by my insurance it just needed to be coded properly.  I made it there and back in minutes and had my first drink of the mucositis medicine.  YUCK!!!!  It looks like a pale version of Pepto, but taste terrible.  Regardless...it works!!

Cranky, but tired!  Happy that Ryan answered the phone tonight!  People come into your life when you need them.  Tonight I needed Ryan.



If they make a movie of my life I would like to have "Ryan" played by Matthew Gray Gubler.  Unless I get a boyfriend or get married...then I would like for Matthew to play my boyfriend/husband!  ;)

Apparently this is "liquid gold"!

Oddly enough I found this on Pintrest...weird!  Why would you pin this???

If you or anyone you love is facing cancer PLEASE reach out to the American Cancer Society.  Nobody should face cancer alone.   http://www.cancer.org/  or 800.227.2345.   24 hours a day 365 days a year. 


  1. i wish there were more ryans in the world. i want to give him a hug...especially if he looks like matthew gray gubler. :)

    1. I agree! But I don't think he really would look like Matthew...I just had Matthew on my mind! ;)
