You Have to Have a Bad Day Every Once in a While Otherwise You'll Never Know What a Good Day Feels Like. - Oct. 6, 2012

"Take a deep breath.  It's just a bad day, not a bad life."

October 6, 2012

Did anyone get the licences number of the bus that hit me??  UGH!!!!  I feel terrible today.  Exhausted, nauseous, in pain, blurry eyes, etc.  The kind of day that I should just spend in bed, but it is a cold weekend and I need to run to Target to get long underwear for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event in Joliet tomorrow.  I have 50 or more people going because I'm going to be there so I can't miss it.  Well, I could miss it, but I will feel like the biggest ass if I did.

Dad came over to give me my 9 AM shot...just as painful as yesterday.  He reminds me that he was a medic in Vietnam, but I think that he forgets that it was almost 50 years ago.  After he leaves I put on sweats, a stocking cap, big sunglasses, and head out the door.  Target is only a few miles away, but it is one of those days that I'm not sure I'll have the energy to make it there and back.  I head directly to the long underwear section and do my best to avoid familiar faces.  I simply don't want people to see how badly I look today and I know that I would not have it in me to carry on a conversation.  I really try to look "healthy" when I leave the house.  Makeup, concealer, lip gloss, and a smile are almost always in tow, but not today.  Today is an overall crappy day that will be spent in bed with high hopes of keeping the saltines down and my spirits up for tomorrow.  The majority of the day is spent napping and resting for tomorrow.  The mail has an adorable Halloween sock monkey from my Chemo Angel.  The doorbell rings, but I missed getting to the door in time.  The Cruz-Perez family delivered cupcakes that the boys made and decorated.  So darn cute!!  And Gina did a man-n-cheese delivery and picked up some flowers that I need for tomorrows event.  I want flowers to bring, but ran out of energy to go buy them.  I am lucky to have friends that will run errands for me.  I do my best not to ask favors, but every do often I need one.  I hope that all my friends know that I would do exactly the same for them.

Lookin' rough!  I wonder if dark circles will be "in" for Winter!  

Cupcakes from the Cruz-Perez Family.  Great job, boys!

I eat a little and then curl up in the blankets that Mrs. Legan has made me.  It is a cold day and the warmth of the blankets is amazing.  Steph sends texts of the boys at football with all their pink gear and texts of Stephen racing in pink gear.  Pretty wonderful to see that the boys have an understanding of awareness, but sad to know how aware they are of cancer at such a young age.

Blankets from Mrs. Legan!  So soft!  I wish I would have learned more from my Grandma.
I'd say goodnight, but that makes it sound like I actually didn't spend the majority of the day sleeping.



Maxwell, Ryan and Dolan...Real boys wear pink!

Even Stephen got in on the PINK at his race in Champaign!  Too cute!

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